Friday, July 16, 2010

IN a chamber

Well, when i was young, well i m young now also, but what i mean is when i was younger, in my school days i never really liked being photographed,,let it b excursion, or some kinda party or clicking pics for fun, i would never be the one to be on the other side of camera.PhoTos!!! oh, i used to hate that word.But my super- cutie -naughty-foody-sweety FRIENDS always use to find a tiny-winy or biggy-tiggy way to get ready to smile and be captured!i used to run away after hearing the word "camera".gosh, hated the concept of clicking oneself so many times.
I just hated myself in photos, i always felt i m not photogenic, and i thought i look very dark in pics and my photos turn out to be ugly rather than being good or lovely or beautiful. But then, something happened few days back... TA TA DAAA.......
TA TA DAAA... clicked some pics. i dont mean i clicked the pics, i was being clicked . For the first time,i was voluntarily posing for the pics. i was at my friends place and we just happened to come up with the idea of taking pics by wrapping "sari's"! i wore a sari for the first time ( i wont count that disastrous day when i wrapped the yellow one on teachers day, 3 years back , bcoz 10kgs do matter )! i just loved myself in the sari ,it was green, maroon,jaune.....i can now proudly say, i really looked beautiful in that sari!
one of my most memorable memory!

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